Septembre-Octobre 2022
robe sirène dans un tissu bleu clair, accompagnée d'un boa avec broche strass,d'un bijou de tête, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac, de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
mermaid dress in a light blue fabric, accompanied by a boa with rhinestone brooch, a headpiece, a jewelry set, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
mermaid dress in a light blue fabric, accompanied by a boa with rhinestone brooch, a headpiece, a jewelry set, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
69.90 €
robe longue évasée grise/argentée accompagnée d'un chapeau bibi,d'un cache épaules, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac, de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
long gray/silver flared dress accompanied by a fascinator hat, a shoulder cover, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
long gray/silver flared dress accompanied by a fascinator hat, a shoulder cover, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
68.90 €
robe longue évasée blanche/rose accompagnée d'un chapeau bibi, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac, de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
long flared white/pink dress accompanied by a fascinator hat, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
long flared white/pink dress accompanied by a fascinator hat, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
69.90 €
ensemble rose clair composé d'une robe, d'une veste corolle, d'un chapeau bibi, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
light pink set consisting of a dress, a corolla jacket, a fascinator hat, a jewelry set, a bag of gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
light pink set consisting of a dress, a corolla jacket, a fascinator hat, a jewelry set, a bag of gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
74.90 €
robe longue évasée bordeaux pailleté accompagnée d'un bandeau, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac, de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
long flared burgundy dress accompanied by a headband, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
long flared burgundy dress accompanied by a headband, a set of jewels, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
69.90 €
robe sirène dans un tissu fruits des bois, accompagnée d'un boa avec broche strass, d'un chapeau, d'une parure de bijoux, d'un sac, de gants et de chaussures. les vêtements sont entièrements doublés. Fermeture par boutons pressions.
mermaid dress in forest fruit fabric, accompanied by a boa with rhinestone brooch, a hat, a jewelery set, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
mermaid dress in forest fruit fabric, accompanied by a boa with rhinestone brooch, a hat, a jewelery set, a bag, gloves and shoes. the clothes are fully lined. Closing by press studs.
69.90 €